Current Conditions


Current Conditions

Returns current conditions data for a specific location. Current conditions searches require a location key. Please use the Locations API to obtain the location key for your desired location. By default, a truncated version of the current conditions data is returned. The full object can be obtained by passing "details=true" into the url string.

Resource URL{locationKey}

Query Parameters

Name Values Description

Provided API Key


String indicating the language in which to return the resource


Boolean value specifies whether or not to include full details in the response.

locationKey Unique ID used to search for a specific location true

HTTP Basic

OAuth 2.0



Make a request and see the response.

Make a request and see the response.

Make a request and see the response.

Response Error Details

  • HTTP Code
    Error Code
  • 400

    Request had bad syntax or the parameters supplied were invalid

  • 401

    Unauthorized. API authorization failed

  • 403

    Unauthorized. You do not have permission to access this endpoint

  • 404

    Server has not found a route matching the given URI

  • 500

    Server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request


Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
LocalObservationDateTime string DateTime of the current observation, displayed in ISO8601 format.
EpochTime int64 DateTime of the current observation, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
WeatherText string Phrase description of the current weather condition. Displayed in the language set with language code in URL.
WeatherIcon int32 Numeric value representing an image that displays the current condition described by WeatherText. May be NULL.
LocalSource.Id int32 Numeric identifier unique to the local data provider. This parameter is not shown if there is not local source information to display.
LocalSource.Name string Name of the local data provider, displayed in the language set with language code in URL, if available. Otherwise, Name is displayed in English or the language in which the name was provided. This parameter is not shown if there is no local source information to display.
LocalSource.WeatherCode string Weather code provided by the local data provider. This weather code allows the current condition to be matched to icons provided by the local data provider instead of AccuWeather icons. This parameter is not shown if there is no local source information to display.
IsDayTime boolean Flag indicating the time of day (true=day, false=night)
Temperature.Metric.Value double Rounded value in specified units. May be NULL.
Temperature.Metric.Unit string Type of unit.
Temperature.Metric.UnitType int32 Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Temperature.Imperial.Value double Rounded value in specified units. May be NULL.
Temperature.Imperial.Unit string Type of unit.
Temperature.Imperial.UnitType int32 Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
RealFeelTemperature object Patented AccuWeather RealFeel Temperature. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
RealFeelTemperatureShade object Patented AccuWeather RealFeel Temperature in the shade. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
RelativeHumidity int32 Relative humidity. May be NULL.
DewPoint object Dew point temperature. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
Wind.Direction.Degrees int32 Wind direction in Azimuth degrees (e.g. 180 degrees is a wind coming from the south). May be NULL.
Wind.Direction.English string Direction abbreviated in English.
Wind.Direction.Localized string Direction abbreviated in the language specified by language code in URL.
Wind.Speed object Wind Speed. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
WindGust.Speed object Wind gust speed. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
UVIndex int32 Measure of the strength of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. May be NULL.
UVIndexText string Text associated with the UVIndex.
Visibility object Visibility. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
ObstructionsToVisibility string Cause of limited visibility.
CloudCover int32 Number representing the percentage of the sky that is covered by clouds. May be NULL.
Ceiling object Cloud ceiling. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
Pressure object Atmospheric pressure. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
PressureTendency.LocalizedText string Description of the pressure tendency in the language specified by language code in the URL.
PressureTendency.Code string Pressure tendency code regardless of language. (F=falling, S=steady, R=rising)
Past24HourTemperatureDeparture object Departure from the temperature observed 24 hours ago. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
ApparentTemperature object Perceived outdoor temperature caused by the combination of air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
WindChillTemperature object Perceived air temperature on exposed skin due to wind. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
WetBulbTemperature object The temperature to which air may be cooled by evaporating water into it at constant pressure until it reaches saturation. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
WetBulbGlobeTemperature object A temperature value that indicates heat stress on the human body in direct sunlight based on temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle, and cloud cover. Contains metric and imperial values.
Precip1hr object Amount of precipitation (liquid water equivalent) that has fallen in the past hour. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
PrecipitationSummary.Precipitation object Deprecated. Please use the precipitation summary for a specific time span.
PrecipitationSummary.PastHour object The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past hour. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
PrecipitationSummary.Past3Hours object The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past 3 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
PrecipitationSummary.Past6Hours object The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past 6 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
PrecipitationSummary.Past9Hours object The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past 9 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
PrecipitationSummary.Past12Hours object The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past 12 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
PrecipitationSummary.Past18Hours object The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past 18 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
PrecipitationSummary.Past24Hours object The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past 24 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
TemperatureSummary.Past6HourRange.Minimum object The minimum temperature observed over the past 6 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
TemperatureSummary.Past6HourRange.Maximum object The maximum temperature observed over the past 6 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
TemperatureSummary.Past12HourRange.Minimum object The minimum temperature observed over the past 12 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
TemperatureSummary.Past12HourRange.Maximum object The maximum temperature observed over the past 12 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
TemperatureSummary.Past24HourRange.Minimum object The minimum temperature observed over the past 24 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
TemperatureSummary.Past24HourRange.Maximum object The maximum temperature observed over the past 24 hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values.
MobileLink string Link to current conditions for the requested location on AccuWeather`s mobile site.
Link string Link to current conditions for the requested location on AccuWeather`s web site.
HasPrecipitation boolean Flag indicating the presence or absence of precipitation. True indicates the presence of precipitation, false indicates the absence of precipitation.
PrecipitationType string If precipitation is present, the type of precipitation will be returned. Possible values are Rain, Snow, Ice, or Mixed. Null in the absence of precipitation.
IndoorRelativeHumidity boolean The relative humidity in the user's home or building.