5 Days of Weather Alarms


5 Days of Weather Alarms

Returns 5 days of weather alarms for a specific location.

Resource URL

http://dataservice.accuweather.com /alarms/v1/5day/{locationKey}

Query Parameters

Name Values Description

Provided API Key


String indicating the language in which to return the resource

Request Body

locationKey Unique ID used to search for a specific location. Use the Locations API to get a locationKey. true

HTTP Basic

OAuth 2.0



Make a request and see the response.

Make a request and see the response.

Make a request and see the response.

Response Error Details

  • HTTP Code
    Error Code
  • 400

    Request had bad syntax or the parameters supplied were invalid

  • 401

    Unauthorized. API authorization failed

  • 403

    Unauthorized. You do not have permission to access this endpoint

  • 404

    Server has not found a route matching the given URI

  • 500

    Server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request


Weather Alarm Thresholds


Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
Date string The date for which the alarm exists, displayed in ISO8601 format.
EpochDate int64 Date of the forecast, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
Alarms.AlarmType string Type of alarm in effect: Rain, Ice, Snow, Wind, WindGust, or Thunderstorm.
Alarms.Value.Metric.Value double Rounded metric value for the alarm in the specified units. May be NULL. For Rain, Snow, and Ice, Value is the total accumulation for the day. For Wind or WindGust, Value is the maximum speed. For Thunderstorm, value is the maximum thunderstorm probability shown as a percent.
Alarms.Value.Metric.Unit string Type of unit.
Alarms.Value.Metric.UnitType int32 Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Alarms.Value.Imperial.Value double Rounded imperial value for the alarm in the specified units. May be NULL. For Rain, Snow, and Ice, Value is the total accumulation for the day. For Wind or WindGust, Value is the maximum speed. For Thunderstorm, value is the maximum thunderstorm probability shown as a percent.
Alarms.Value.Imperial.Unit string Type of unit.
Alarms.Value.Imperial.UnitType int32 Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Alarms.Day.Metric.Value double Rounded metric day value for the alarm. Applies to the daytime forecast. For Rain, Snow, and Ice, Value is the total accumulation for the day. For Wind or WindGust, Value is the maximum speed. For Thunderstorm, value is the maximum thunderstorm probability shown as a percent.
Alarms.Day.Metric.Unit string Type of unit.
Alarms.Day.Metric.UnitType int32 Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Alarms.Day.Imperial.Value double Rounded imperial day value for the alarm. Applies to the daytime forecast. For Rain, Snow, and Ice, Value is the total accumulation for the day. For Wind or WindGust, Value is the maximum speed. For Thunderstorm, value is the maximum thunderstorm probability shown as a percent.
Alarms.Day.Imperial.Unit string Type of unit.
Alarms.Day.Imperial.UnitType int32 Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Alarms.Night.Metric.Value double Rounded metric night value for the alarm. Applies to the overnight forecast. For Rain, Snow, and Ice, Value is the total accumulation for the day. For Wind or WindGust, Value is the maximum speed. For Thunderstorm, value is the maximum thunderstorm probability shown as a percent.
Alarms.Night.Metric.Unit string Type of unit.
Alarms.Night.Metric.UnitType int32 Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Alarms.Night.Imperial.Value double Rounded imperial night value for the alarm. Applies to the overnight forecast. For Rain, Snow, and Ice, Value is the total accumulation for the day. For Wind or WindGust, Value is the maximum speed. For Thunderstorm, value is the maximum thunderstorm probability shown as a percent.
Alarms.Night.Imperial.Unit string Type of unit.
Alarms.Night.Imperial.UnitType int32 Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
MobileLink string Link to the daily forecast for the requested location on AccuWeather`s mobile site.
Link string Link to the daily forecast for the requested location on AccuWeather`s web site.